Alumbaugh, D, Huang, H, Livermore, J., and Velasco, M. S. (2016), Resistivity imaging in a fold and thrust belt using ZTEM and sparse MT data; First Break, 34, 65-72.
Hoversten, G.M., D. Myer, K. Key, D. Alumbaugh, O. Hermann, and R. Hobbet, Field test of sub-basalt hydrocarbon exploration with marine controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data, Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 1284–1310, 2015
Time Domain 2D CSEM Inversion with Induced Polarization, Ø. Frafjord, K. Key, S.L. Helwig, A.M. El Kaffas, T. Holten and K. Eide, 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 2015
Wheelock, B., S. Constable, and K. Key (2015), The advantages of logarithmically scaled data for electromagnetic inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 201, 1765–1780.
Myer, D., K. Key, and S. Constable (2015), Marine CSEM of the Scarborough gas field, Part 2: 2D inversion, Geophysics, 80, E187–E196.
Anisotropic 2.5D inversion of towed streamer EM data from three North Sea fields using parallel adaptive finite elements, K. Key, Z. Du, J. Mattsson, A. McKay and J. Midgley, 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 2014
Ray, A., K. Key, T. Bodin, D. Myer, and S. Constable (2014), Bayesian inversion of marine CSEM data from the Scarborough gas field using a transdimensional 2-D parametrization, Geophysical Journal International, 199, 1847–1860.
Ray, A., D. Alumbaugh, G.M. Hoversten and K. Key (2013), Robust and accelerated Bayesian inversion of marine controlled-source electromagnetic data using parallel tempering, Geophysics, 78, E271–E280.
Ray, A. and K. Key (2012), Bayesian inversion of marine CSEM data with a trans-dimensional self parametrizing algorithm, Geophysical Journal International, 191, 1135–1151.
Myer, D., S. Constable, K. Key, M. Glinsky and G. Liu (2012), Marine CSEM of the Scarborough gas field, Part 1: Experimental design and data uncertainty, Geophysics, 77, E281-E299.
Key, K. (2012), Is the fast Hankel transform faster than quadrature?, Geophysics, 77, F21–F30.
Brown, V., M. Hoversten, K. Key, and J. Chen (2012), Resolution of reservoir scale electrical anisotropy from marine CSEM data, Geophysics, 77, E147–E158.
Um, E. S., Alumbaugh, D. L., Harris, J. M., and Chen, J. (2012), Numerical modeling analysis of short-offset electric-field measurements with a vertical electric dipole source in complex offshore environments; Geophysics, 76, no 5, 329-341.
Connell, D., and K. Key (2013), A numerical comparison of time and frequency-domain marine EM methods for hydrocarbon exploration in shallow water, Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 187-199.
Key, K., and J. Ovall (2011), A parallel goal-oriented adaptive finite element method for 2.5-D electromagnetic modelling, Geophysical Journal International, 186(1), 137–154.
Myer, D., S. Constable, and K. Key (2011), Broad-band waveforms and robust processing for marine CSEM surveys, Geophysical Journal International, 184, 689-698.
Cuevas, N. H., and Alumbaugh, D. (2011), Near-source response of a resistive layer to a vertical or horizontal electric dipole excitation; Geophysics, 76, no 6, 353-371.
Chen, J., and Alumbaugh, D. L. (2011), Three methods for mitigating air waves in shallow water marine controlled-source electromagnetic data; Geophysics, 76, no 2, 89-99.
Key, K. and A. Lockwood (2010), Determining the orientation of marine CSEM receivers using orthogonal Procrustes rotation analysis, Geophysics, 75, F63–F70.
Alumbaugh, D. L., Cuevas. N., Chen, J., Gao, G., and Brady, J. (2010),Comparison of sensitivity and resolution with two marine CSEM exploration methods; Presented at the 2010 annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, October 2010, Denver, CO.
Key, K. (2009), 1D inversion of multicomponent, multifrequency marine CSEM data: Methodology and synthetic studies for resolving thin resistive layers, Geophysics, 74, F9–F20.